Millstone Hill Outage

17 Jan

For those readers clicking on my Millstone Link, you undoubtedly  have discovered what I have found, and that is Millstone (Ma) ionospheric sounder is not serving new plots and the URL appears out of service. The outage is pretty annoying to me because I use it to help with my schedule every day. I will not remove the broken link since I hope  it will come back on line again. Perhaps just an email will get things going again. It is particularly useful if Sporadic E is present and causing our intended path an outage. Sporadic E layer seems to cause us far more outages than say MUF Failure. Millstone is very close to a terminus to one station in our schedule and provides a quick look at conditions in the ionosphere at that point. I will attach a PDF from Advanced Radio Science because it details how and why Millstone works and it maps  its other sister sounders around the world. Unfortunately I have not found a good sounder at my terminus that serves graphs to the web, nor have I found one serving pages between us- say in Ky or Tn. However, hope springs eternal!


The following page is a little less intense.

Sounder Brief

In any event I trust the system will eventually come back into service and we all can put it to very good use.

Thanks for reading. Best, Chas W7MAP/5.

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Posted by on January 17, 2009 in Radio



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